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65-66 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #10 containing Sept 65 through Aug 66 (655_Vet_Vint_10)
$29.95 |
Automobiles and Automobiling by Pierre Dumont Ronald Barker and Douglas Tubbs with over 300 illustrations published 1965 (20_Automobiling)
$34.95 |
Man & Motor the 20th Century Love Affair by D Jewell 205 page hard cover History (40_ManMotor)
$14.95 |
Great Cars of all Time - Fascinating stories of the origin, development, and famous feats of the world's most exciting automobiles - by Irving Robbin (60_GreatCarsTim)
$9.95 |
66-67 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #11 containing Sept 66 through Aug 67 (665_Vet_Vint_11)
$29.95 |
How to Fix Up Old Cars by LeRoi Tex Smith (68_HowToFixOldC)
$39.95 |
Alloys & Automobiles the Life of Elwood Haynes by R Gray 243 page history of the American inventor metallurgist automotive pioneer entrepreneur & industrialist (01_ElwoodHay)
$19.95 |
57-25 Elwood Haynes Inventor Scientist Metallurgist Industrialist Educator Philanthropist published by Howard County Historical Society history book (01_ElwoodHaynes)
$39.95 |
Classic Cars, Richard Nichols, large format color illustrated, covers major marques. (34_Clas_Nichol)
$12.95 |
67-68 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #12 containing Sept 67 through Aug 68 (675_Vet_Vint_12)
$29.95 |
68-69 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #13 containing Sept 68 through Aug 69 (685_Vet_Vint_13)
$29.95 |
Motor Services Automotive Encyclopedia by William Toboldt & Jud Purvis (60_AutoEncyclop)
$29.95 |
Automobile Quarterly's World of Cars. 200+ cars in color 223 pages HB AQ (35_AQWorldOfCar)
$16.95 |
Auto Album, by Tad Burness; a collection of 'Auto Album' line drawing historical automotive features as published in may Newpapers during the 60's and 70's (35_AutoAlbum)
$12.95 |
The Dashboard Revolution 96pg guide to choice and fitting of supplementary instruments & accessories such as guages, tachometers & more (35_DashboardRev)
$55.95 |
History of the Motor Car, Marco Matteucci; 707 illustrations, 485 in color 376 pgs (35_Hist)
$24.95 |
Super Champions of Auto Racing, by Ross Olney (35_SuperChampsA)
$4.95 |
Cars I Could've Should've Kept Memoir of a life restoring classic sports cars 263 pages by Brooks (4_9780786428106)
$29.95 |
The Autocar Handbook - The Complete Guide to the Modern Car (50_AutocarHandb)
$12.95 |
Classic Cars in Profile Volume 3 Profile nos 49-72 editor Anthony Harding (50_Classiccars)
$69.95 |
Index 26-30 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 26-30 (52_Index_26_30)
$29.95 |
69-70 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #14 containing Sept 69 through Aug 70 (695_Vet_Vint_14)
$29.95 |
Popular Science's Car Owners Take Along Library including What to do when your car gets stuck by Pfister - What to do when your car won't run and How to Buy Services and Parts for your Car by Weissler and more. All books published in 1971 (71_TakeAlongLib)
$29.95 |
German High-Performance Cars 1894-1965 Sloniger & Fersen 264 pg (355_GerHP)
$37.95 |
Car Facts & Feats Hardcover 256 pgs Guinness record of everyday motoring & automotive achievement (60_Guiness)
$19.95 |
Gas Turbine Theory by Cohen Rogers & SWaravanamuttoo (72_GasTurbineTh)
$34.95 |
71-72 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #16 containing Sept 71 through Aug 72 (715_Vet_Vint_16)
$29.95 |
The Great American Auto Repair Robbery - A Report on a Ten Billion Dollar National Swindle and what you can do about it by Donald A Randall and Arthur P Glickman (72_GreatRepRobb)
$14.95 |
Motoring Mascots of the World by William C Williams high quality hardbound book with black & white photos of many unusual front end hood mascots and emblems from a variety of cars very interesting (50_Mascots)
$199.95 |
73-74 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #18 containing Sept 73 through Aug 74 (735_Vet_Vint_18)
$29.95 |
Dashboards by David Holland. Panoramic interior views from some of the greatest 20th Century autos. Hard cover, color (37_ClassInterDa)
$49.95 |
74-75 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #19 containing Sept 74 through Aug 75 (745_Vet_Vint_19)
$29.95 |
The Designers - Great Automobiles and the Men Who Made Them by L J K Setright (76_TheDesigners)
$29.95 |
72 Cavalcade of Motoring by M Sedgwick Hardcover 88 pages (72_cavalcade)
$19.95 |
The Encyclopedia of Motor Sport by G Nick Georgano Foreword by Stirling Moss 656 high quality hardbound pages 1894-1971 tells story of racing development race tracks cars drivers many black & white & color photos many of which are unusual and interesting (50_Motorsport)
$34.95 |
Mechanical Ignition Handbook by R Siegel 164 pages (40_BHMI)
$29.95 |
Basic Bodywork & Painting by Petersen 3rd Ed. 192 pgs (40_BscBodyWork3)
$12.95 |
Troy Model Club Series on Commercial Vehicles collector models book by Cecil Gibson 62 pgs. (40_CommercialVe)
$7.95 |
Million Dollar Automobiles: A Connoisseur's Collection of Rare & Expensive Cars by David Burgess-Wise 240 hardbound pages (40_MillionDolla)
$24.95 |
Il Radiatore nel Tempo - Radiators throughout the Years - in French with english translation insert (40_RadiatoreNel)
$38.95 |
William Fisk Harrah: The Life & Times of A Gambling Magnate by Leon Mandel 223 hardbound pages with B&W photos (40_WilliamHarra)
$19.95 |
The Car & Its Wheels a Guide to Modern Suspension Systems By J. Norbye (65_CarWheels)
$24.95 |
La Frizione nel Tempo - clutches through the years - in French, with english translation insert (70_LaFrizioneNe)
$38.95 |
Sports Cars, History and Development; by GN Georgano; 240 pg illustrated (42_Hist)
$29.95 |
The Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars 1885 to the present edited by Georgano 640 pages hardcover very comprehensive scholarly reference detailing over 4,000 makes of car (35_Georgano)
$29.95 |
Three Wheelers by K Hill a Shire Classics Library Book Fully Illustrated (50_SL165)
$11.95 |
Extraordinary Automobilies by Peter Vann & Gerald Asaria Special intrest cars from Artz to Vector 1985 221 pages color photos pub by MBI (85_Extraordinar)
$39.95 |
Advertising and the Motor-car by Michael Frostick with a prologue by Ashley Havinden 159 quality hardbound pages story of how advertising developed, many makes of cars, black & white and color, special chapter on Fiat (40_Advertising)
$24.95 |
Custom Auto Upholstery How to Design and Create Custom & Repro Interiors by J M Lee 160 pages comprehensive guide to performing upholstery repairs on all kinds of autos (44_CAUpholstery)
$24.95 |
The World's Worst Cars, Timothy Jacobs, Well illustrated large format covering cars with dubious reputations. (44_Worst)
$19.95 |